a text to be danced to
draft 7.10.04
by kk


a point, a vista

a field on a tilt

a field seen listing

from a point, which is a vista

from within or above

from here or from there,

meeting there or
meeting here, in the fold of the and the

from below or beside.

or a tuning fork
meets bony translator
sound by touching

makes contact, ringing from here
(which is a point of view, which is a vista)

here is a point above a tilting field,
seen from here or there
seen from a house with no windows

a listing field, here

or here,
on the upper floor
a dim sense of recollection

could you, please?

extract a discrete moment from what came before
a portion of time
say hmmm.
I'll take "fork." for two for hundred for fork for.

folds into ringing humming wood making sound through
contact, which is touching, which is sightless.

a canopy, a question of light, of old light
of inheld light sent out much later in a dull emanation

what light comes through the canopy obliterates the glowing dull
"it spills"

there is a bee in the center of the earth and it is a buzzing bee. it is a buzzing bee that zips from here to there and the bee sees things ­ the bee is a point of view. in the center of the earth and also zip . . . zip. . . to where? there is a question of light, a question of old light.

after traveling for so long.

a minor delay

a measured release.

extract a duration. perform a repetition. a small amount of time:
"from within or above"
"a buzzing bee"
"what light comes through the canopy obliterates the glowing dullness."

what obliteration? what catastrophe? what meets here and there in a fold?
the field and the forest.

I'll take "fork."
and all the dullness of
the to and over for a house with no windows.

says look. over there: see? a hulking gang of hot air balloons moving in. closing, creeping closer. a roaming vista, a point above. a sky snail.

touch down the balloon: taken lower, over treetops, fields. a roaming aerial view.

first they graze, and then they trawl:
an immaterial balloon gang is moving through the trees at the speed of old light out of time. an appar ition? it's the what-is-also of this place. it's time free from measure. because a bee. the BEE forgot the conventions of measuring. measure spill? measure hulking? it's laval. it's magmal. it's the center of the earth.

what phantoms descend into the flow of trees and bees and fields, as if placing themselves within the objects, as if placing themselves within the


within the

says look. that bee is melted. way down in the center of the earth.

what bee is a vista? what bee is a recollection? superimpose. of balloons dragging the tops of the trees. does the canopy break for a phantom gang? does light pour through and obliterate the apparition? too much is seen from above.

what from above and what if the center of the earth paraded about on its own surface? each leaf a molten spot, a dead and melted bee graveyard vista. the end of the vista? the end of perspective. overlook.

too much says look. what that which look. says look, to overlook it.

it that when the witch says, what bee? what be a recollection of something humming and zipping and striped? identified and mobile. and striped. instead of just seeing. says seeing. says what? what bee extracts a small portion of time from what has come before? said that.

moving through the trees at the speed of old light, which does not move at the speed of new light. of light at all. a distanceless action, yet travelled.

this. this. this. or this meets that and becomes that. shot through with an apparition of eyes moving slowly over the countour of the earth.

what do you see? an image, translated. is a released form. into grey matter full of lines and old light, which does not move at the speed of new light. or light at all. a grey matter.

hold to the countour of the earth. accumulate.
there is a compression that binds us together. what bee is a compression?

no bee is a compression? no spine is a compression.

the center of the earth is.

density is.

does new light pour through and obliterate the older, slower light
traveling to the center of the earth? is too little seen from within?

but within the soily beneath, a mole goes tap . . . tap tap . . .tap tap tap. . .

and taps out a refrain in the dark.
so we move.

a piece of time. this. or this? a fork. a fork a fork a fork. a garden of tap tap tap. tap tap.

so we tap.
and we dig
and scuffle
and pull things apart
and try to see ourselves from
a place of genuine novelty
which is change.

a tree is made of change

and one day,
I think a tree will get up and walk away
I think a tree will get up and walk away

go home